[Mailman-Users] Mailman as spam generator

Dan Mick Dan.Mick at west.sun.com
Fri Aug 25 21:57:18 CEST 2000

You may edit the file ~mailman/Mailman/Handlers/SpamDetect.py to include
a list of headernames and REs for that header which are discarded outright
with no further approval.  The file is distributed with no entries in that
list, but if added, that should serve your purpose.

Adapting Hold.py to do the same thing (raise SpamDetected) for
other conditions, like message length or "mail to admin address"
or some such, would probably be easy too.

Adapting them to send a note back to the sender saying "I've
dropped your message" would be a little harder, but probably a better

Thomas Gramstad wrote:
> On the Privacy admin page under "Hold posts with header value
> matching a specified regexp" I've added several items and they
> work, but...
> when someone sends a spam message to 10 of my mailing lists,
> Mailman produces 10 new messages, one per list, about ten
> messages waiting for approval.  And Mailman sends 10 such
> messages at least once or a couple of times a day.
> In other words: Mailman is a spam machine.  It generates as
> much spam as the spammers themselves.
> What I want Mailman to do, is not to hold the posts with
> those header values for approval; I want Mailman to delete
> them, forward them to dev/null, without me ever having to
> see them or know about their shortlived existence.
> How can I make Mailman do that?  Is it really impossible in
> current versions of Mailman?  If so, this is a HUGE, GIANT
> FLAW in Mailman.
> Thomas Gramstad
> thomas at ifi.uio.no
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