[Mailman-Users] request: list url in error message, mail password

Christopher Kolar ckolar at admin.aurora.edu
Mon Jun 28 17:12:04 CEST 1999

We are now in public beta using the list on campus (to replace majordomo) 
and I got these rather sensible requests from one of the testers.:

 >It would be nice if error messages from the software included the web
 >address for the list, but so far I've only seen that in the "help" file
 >that I requested.  An attempt to unsubscribe (just to see what would
 >happen) resulted in an error message (since I did not at that time know my
 >password), but no instructions on how to get the password.  The error
 >message did include instructions on how to get the "help" file.  That
 >might be a good suggestion for a listserve for users of this software, if
 >one exists.  It would also be nice if there was a way to request password
 >info by e-mail from the address subscribed to the list.  I cannot see how
 >that option would be less secure than the option to have the password sent
 >to that address using the web site.

The URL in the error message makes a lot of sense to me.  I am sure there 
are reasons for not mailing passwords, but we have a lot of alumni and 
off-campus users who are not web savvy and use Juno, so web features are 
not appreciated.



  Christopher G. Kolar
    Director of Instructional Technology
    Aurora University, Aurora, Illinois
  ckolar at aurora.edu  --  www.aurora.edu
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