[Mailman-Users] Sequence numbers

Francis Cook francis at compsoc.man.ac.uk
Mon Jan 4 17:25:13 CET 1999


I was wondering if there was a way of putting a sequence number on the
subject line of the list messages. The system we have been using is that
every mail message gets a sequence number put in the header or subject
line so we can refer to it easily eg:

[maillist msg: 1]
[maillist msg: 2]

How would I go about doing this in Mailman ? I have found some attributes
in HyperArch called msgid and sequence, would these do it, if put in the
subject line like:

maillist %(msgid)s

Any help would be appreciated.



Francis Cook                        email: francisc at cs.man.ac.uk
Research Associate - MINT group            francis at man.compsoc.org.uk
Computer Science, Manchester University
Phone +44(0)161 275 6270
(CompSoc Secretary)                 web:   www.man.compsoc.org.uk/~francis

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