[Mailman-Users] bad address is stuck

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Sat Jan 2 21:45:00 CET 1999

>>>>> "DH" == Darren Henderson <darren at jasper.somtel.com> writes:

    DH> When I originally set up mailman I pulled in some existing
    DH> lists, the files used for the membership lists had this
    DH> string:

    DH> (Only addresses below this line can be automatically removed)

    DH> Unfortunaletly I didnt remove this and they got into the
    DH> mailman lists and kind of messed up the admin pages and could
    DH> not be deleted from there.  With some help and some python
    DH> sessions I was able to get those addresses out of my
    DH> membership lists...or so it appeared.

    DH> The last few months I've found the appended message in my
    DH> mailbox when the monthly stuff goes out. I grepped the mailman
    DH> directory and find that address in two of the list's
    DH> config.db. However they're not showing up on the admin pages.

    DH> How do I get rid of these?

    DH> A future enhancement that would keep these bogus addresses out
    DH> of the list would be benificial:)

Mailman 1.0b7 should be better at keeping such bogus addresses from
getting into the list in the first place.  I've added two new scripts
bin/list_members and bin/remove_members which can be used from the
command line to get rid of these addresses once and for all.  I don't
know how that address would suddenly show up again on your list.

Let me know if these scripts are useful.


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