[Mailman-Users] Information in other languages

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Sat Feb 27 19:59:10 CET 1999

>>>>> "BL" == Baranyai Laszlo <baranyai at elfiz2.kee.hu> writes:

    BL> Even though I have a mailing list managed by mailman, I am
    BL> still a beginner. It works fine, but everything is in English.
    BL> I can change the HTML code and add some Hungarian explanation
    BL> in the digest/mail header. Can I change the standard header
    BL> text in the message body (about the internet address,
    BL> administrator's e-mail address, topics,...)? I was looking for
    BL> templates as it is presented for HTML pages but found none. Do
    BL> I have to make (compile) all scripts if I want to change these
    BL> things?  Thank you for your help.

Improved multilingual support is probably the biggest thing on my
personal post-1.0 to-do list.


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