[Mailman-Users] Disappearing Images

Frank Martini fmartini at caddev.com
Tue Aug 31 17:21:57 CEST 1999

Here's a problem I'm seeing, but I'm betting Apache is the culprit.

About 50% of the time when I access the web areas of Mailman 
(/admin/;/listinfo/), the mailman graphic is missing. I can even load the 
URL to the graphic and all I get is the alt text and an exactly-size 
space where the graphic should be. This is really weird... I check the 
graphic files themselves  on the Linux server and all is OK. Any ideas?


Frank Martini                                 Voice: 713/621-1917
Cadence Development                             FAX: 713/621-1960
5075 Westheimer, Ste. 1266             eMail: fmartini at caddev.com
Houston, Texas 77056                  WWW: http://www.caddev.com/

Cadence Fact: Cadence developed a database system which manages patient 
and research subject data for a private research hospital in Houston. The 
database captures patient demographic and historical data and also allows 
for importation of test results from lab equipment.

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