[Mailman-Users] smtp-failures

Christian Dysthe cdysthe at oddbird.dyndns.org
Mon Aug 9 18:39:07 CEST 1999


I keep getting "tons" of the messages below in my 
/var/lib/mailman/logs/smtp-failures log.

I am using mailman with exim, and I do now know what causes this. I
have tried to find all information available regarding mailman and exim
and do what it takes to make it run, but I still get this. I also get a
lot of messages to root telling me smtp is down. This did not happen
before I installed mailman.

I have to add that both exim and the list seems to work fine except for
the fact I have a lot of messages in the mailman.data directory

Aug 09 06:12:57 1999 TrySMTPDelivery: To ['list-admin at foo.com']:
Aug 09 06:12:57 1999 TrySMTPDelivery:    socket.error  / (111, 'Connection refused')  (deferred)
Aug 09 06:12:57 1999 TrySMTPDelivery:  Maybe your MTA daemon needs restarting?

Advice would be appreciated.


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        Christian Dysthe
        E-mail: cdysthe at oddbird.dyndns.org
        Web: http://oddbird.dyndns.org/cdysthe/
        ICQ 3945810
        Powered by Debian GNU/Linux

                 "Clones are people two"

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