[Mailman-Users] 5 questions... too different to have a common subj :-(

Andrea Trentini Andrea.Trentini at disco.unimib.it
Fri Aug 6 10:12:19 CEST 1999

If there's no anwer to these questions...
can I put them on the wish list? ;-)

1) is it possible to generate statistics?
   (e.g. a list of posters with the number of messages posted)

2) is it possible to have a periodic archive AND a complete archive?

3) can we search through the posts? (I mean from thw web)

4) is there a path to converting to majordomo
   (I'm not planning it for the moment, but who knows? ;-)

5) this is a "circa bug": when you DON'T want to advertise
   your list in the main page there's still the link to
   the admin page which still contains the name
   of the "private" list, can it be disabled?

Thanx, BYE

there are probably answers in old posts to this list...
but there is no search... ;-))))))
|Andrea Trentini \_______________________________________
|SoftArchiLab - D.I.S.Co. - Universita' di Milano Bicocca
|mailto:Andrea.Trentini at disco.unimib.it
|  ~:+39-02-58313162

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