[Mailman-Users] Form Tags 0.95->1.0b6

George Reese borg at imaginary.com
Sun Nov 8 23:30:06 CET 1998

My listinfo.html for the msql-jdbc mailing list has the following

To subscribe, please enter the following information:<BR>

And the generated HTML looks like this:


To subscribe, please enter the following information:<BR>

Basically, it failed to generate a FORM tag.  Any idea why?

George Reese (borg at imaginary.com)       http://www.imaginary.com/~borg
PGP Key: http://www.imaginary.com/servlet/Finger?user=borg&verbose=yes
   "Keep Ted Turner and his goddamned Crayolas away from my movie."
			    -Orson Welles

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