[Mailman-Users] initial mail

John Viega viega at list.org
Sun Jun 7 11:40:09 CEST 1998

On Sat, Jun 06, 1998 at 01:12:46PM -0400, Corbett J. Klempay wrote:
> Is there an easy way to disable the initial mailing that everyone gets
> when they are put on a list?  We want to move all of our Majordomo stuff
> to Mailman, but have the users be none the wiser until we tell them about
> it...

Well, I'd suggest using the convert_list script in the bin directory,
although I think that does send out a notification.  I'll work up a
patch in the next day or so to give an option for subscribing people
without notification.

However, if you don't send people the notification message, they don't
ever know what their password is, or that they even have one.  We
could do something like email confirmation for everything...

Also, to answer your other mail about suppressing password reminders,
I'll do that one too.  For now, I'd just recommend removing the right
line from the crontab.in file, and installing a new crontab.  That'll
keep reminders from being sent.  I'll work on a per-list solution

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