[Mailman-i18n] translation checker

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 23:50:32 -0400

>>>>> "SP" == Simone Piunno <pioppo@ferrara.linux.it> writes:

    SP> So, to easy the process, I've written a small script to check
    SP> my translation whenever I do some update.  This script has
    SP> been generalized and now you can use it for your language too.

Very cool!  How'd you like to contribute that to FSF? :)

    SP> The script isn't perferct and can be improved in many ways:
    |  - better regexp to search for Python %(var)s 

Take a look at Mailman/Utils.py, especially at the bottom of the
file.  There's some decent extraction functions in there
(e.g. percent_identifiers()).

    |  - better .po parser

Yup, that would be helpful.   pygettext.py has some facilities for
this I believe, but it may have better generation support than parsing

    |  - better exception handling for strange situation
    |  - generalizations to use it in other python projects

Guido and I are really trying to push $name strings for i18n
projects.  It's a major reason why I wrote PEP 292:


and while the PEP is controversial in the general Python community, I
think there's a strong push to use these over %(name)s placeholders in
translatable strings.  E.g. Zope3 I18n is going to adopt them too.

After MM2.1 is released, I plan to (hopefully mechanically ;) convert
all MM source to use $-strings.  Yes, I'll automatically update the
catalogs too! :)

    SP> but it's already good (at least for italian).

Excellent.  Actually come to think of it, it might be more useful
going into the Python distro, perhaps as
python/Tools/i18n/checkcatalog.py.  It would need a bit more
generalization but not much.

That way you wouldn't have to contribute it to the FSF and it would get
wider use in the Python community.  A quick scan of the code looks
quite good style-wise for inclusion in the library.  The major change
I'd make is switching from hard-tab indents to 4-space indents (no
tabs).  I've done that in my copy and could check that into the Python
tree if you like.  Either way, I'd love to include this in some
