[Mailman-i18n] Some entries are not translated...

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 18:28:26 -0500

>>>>> "DB" == Daniel Buchmann <db@bibsys.no> writes:

    DB> Anyone been able to get the translation for the following
    DB> entries appear?  I only get the english text all the time, no
    DB> matter the language setting of the list...

    DB> - the message appended to the "moderated post waiting" mail,
    DB> sent to the list moderator.  Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:246

    DB> - Reasons for posts being held or subscription requests
    |   Examples:
    |     Mailman/Handlers/Moderate.py:33
    |       ("Post by a moderated member")
    |     Mailman/Handlers/Hold.py:60
    |       ("Your message was deemed inappropriate by the moderator.")

Both these work for me. ;/

    DB> I also think these entries should be separated:

    DB> Mailman/Cgi/create.py:128 bin/newlist:131

    DB> because one is destined for the web, the other for the command
    DB> line.  Can't use HTML entities for both...

I'll add a dummy "<!-- ignore -->" suffix to the web version.
