[Mailman-Developers] ARC module implementation [was: GSOC 2016]

Aditya Divekar adityadivekar03 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 06:29:57 EST 2016

Hi Steve,
I have read through the dkimpy library functions and it seems that the code
needs to be modified to generate the ARC headers, and I have started making
some changes. I'm making these changes in view of generating the AMS for
now using the sign(...) method of the library that is by default used for
generating the dkim signature. Since the AAR is simply a copy, it can be
picked up using a separate method and appended at the end of the AMS later.
I have hosted the code at github here.
<https://github.com/adityadivekar03/dkimpy>, and will keep posting the
changes there as I proceed. Any input from your side would be great :)


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