[Mailman-Developers] Error in setting up mailman-core

Ashish Kumar coolyashish at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 17:33:56 CET 2015

My name is Ashish Kumar. I want to start my contribution to mailman
codebase. I tried setting up postorius but black-perl(irc) told me I need
to start mailman from mailman core then I installed mailman-core and
followed the documentation given in the docs folder. I followed below
instructions :

1. virtualenv --system-site-packages --python=python3.4 /tmp/mm3
2. source /tmp/mm3/bin/activate
3. python setup.py develop
4. Then  I tried mailman info -v which is giving me error (gist:

Can someone please tell me how to correct it.

Ashish Kumar

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