[Mailman-Developers] Testing MM3

Stephen J. Turnbull stephen at xemacs.org
Fri Mar 28 09:11:52 CET 2014

Kẏra writes:

 > Well, I haven't done either of those yet, but I'd love some help
 > doing so!  If you or anyone else has the time to assist, my irc
 > handle is kxra on freenode, oftc, and gnome

Hrm.  I'm not in the habit of hanging around on IRC (even during GSoC
when I should do so :-( ), but we could make an appointment -- I
mostly am free to do what I want to when I want to for the next few
weeks at least.  I can generally handle anything 01:00 - 17:00 UTC.
Handle is yaseppochi at freenode.

 > just how i can keep track of the work being done towards the next beta
 > release. like a page which lists the tasks that need to be done and where
 > they stand.

I suspect the only reliable list is in Barry's head.  The
bug.launchpad.net/mailman page is pretty complete, but I'm not sure
all the Mailman 3-related bugs are tagged "mailman3", and of those,
I'm not sure the showstoppers are all tagged or priorities set on

Barry would probably go through the tracker and update bugs if you
ask.  My suspicion is that his policy on such requests is "ask nicely
- and repeat at polite intervals". ;-)  I suppose I could do a lot of
the legwork and save him some time, but I'm much better at helping
people than doing homework. :-(

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