[Mailman-Developers] Continuous integration tool for the Mailman suite

Emily Dunham dunhame at onid.orst.edu
Thu Feb 20 17:48:29 CET 2014


You're on the right track by getting into IRC and posting on the mailing
list! On IRC, it helps to ask a specific question and then wait about 8
hours for a reply, since the developers are in a wide variety of different
time zones.

Congratulations on getting the Vagrant VM set up already! I've found that
that process can be anywhere from easy to infuriating, depending on your
host system's configuation. With that up and running, here's what I'd do

1) If you're not already familiar with the Bazaar and Launchpad development
workflow, read up on it at
http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/MailmanOnLaunchpad and
http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/MailmanBranches to get familiar with the
bzr workflow and make sure you're making your changes on the correct

2) Look through the Mailman issue tracker at
https://bugs.launchpad.net/mailman and find simple bugs that you can
confirm and then write tests for. Communicate with the people who have
submitted and worked on the bugs you're looking at, to make sure your tests
capture them correctly.

3) Write those tests, while studying Python best practices for testing and
the conventions of Mailman's existing tests.

4) Research the similarities and differences between various Continuous
Integration tools and ask questions on the list and in IRC to determine how
Mailman's testing needs correlate to the tools' strengths and weaknesses.

Good luck, have fun, and come here or the IRC channel if you have any
problems getting things set up!

--Emily Dunham
Also a prospective GSOC student, interested in CI and command-line tool

On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 4:17 AM, Shubham Somani
<shubhamsomani92 at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> My Name is Shubham Somani. I am a final year student at Delhi College of
> Engineering. I am a successful Google Summer of Code 2013 student.
> I wish to participate in this year's Google Summer of Code with Mailman.
> Creating a continuous integration tool for the Mailman suite seemed like an
> interesting project to me and I have built Mailman's code with Vagrant and
> Chef.
> I would be very glad if some one could provide me pointers of what to do
> next to contribute to this project.
> Thanks!
> Shubham
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