[Mailman-Developers] GSoC 2013 ideas page

Chris Cargile follybeachris at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 15:13:38 CET 2013

I tried sent an e-mail yesterday addressing on this (email subject) topic
but could have done better as my emails did not seems to mesh well with the
progress made earlier in a thread already in the archives:
rescind my emails and re-align the thread with its course, I think a few
points based on the thread linked here, would suffice and make the most

respective of the thread's points:
a)  not much to add here (..I cannot volunteer as a GSoC mentor, now)
b,c) I do think working on bugs is manageable for students but have not
contributed any commits on this end.  Wanting to contribute to and
familiarize myself with software development using a mature codebase and
development environment, I did read the chapter in Barry's book and
reviewed the developer home. I am more comfortable in Java/JS right now,
but acquiring python is my personal commitment before summer hits and I
hope to be contributing to this project. As a beginner, I would not be able
to comment on whether students should contribute to design aspects of
mailman, but I think a roadmap outlining which goals should be pursued in
what order, would be helpful for obtaining new contributors' help a bit.  I
am familiarizing myself with the new feature details and exploring
the bug queues to best become a contributor.

on the matter of having a test-environment image for everyone, I found we
could host the image almost for free on amazon, if needed, and they have
utilities to ease the process of importing/exporting from/to amazon- and
VMware- formats, if for some reason the group wanted amazon web service
portability as a feature at some point, or wanted to collaborate towards
developing an image.  I mention this bc as I shared I had a live instance
of MM2 up on an AWS machine, I also thought remote-desktop'ing into an AWS
image which could then be exported might be easy enough and eliminates
uploading large .ISO/.VM-DK files somewhere.

I would be interested to know more about the format we'd use for creating
and sharing an image and look forward to working with the team

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