[Mailman-Developers] mailman.client

Florian Fuchs f at state-of-mind.de
Fri Sep 21 22:06:45 CEST 2012

Hi there,

I've just pushed some small changes to mailman.client. So for everyone 
taking part in tomorrow's Postorius hackathon: Make sure you have the 
most recent revision of mailman.client installed. Otherwise Postorius is 
not going to work fully with the recent version of the MM3 core.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow on #mailman!


P.S.: @Barry: Is there a way to get the "list_id" property from a list 
resource in the API? The JSON returned by /3.0/lists/<fqdn_listname> 
doesn't seem to contain such a field. So in order to make mailman.client 
work with 3.0b2, I simply used fqdn_listname and replaced the "@" with a 
dot. Dirty, I know... But only a preliminary hack until I know how to 
get the list_id from the API. ;-)

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