[Mailman-Developers] Mailman 3.0 fresh install - problems from python interpreter

Jessy Kate Schingler jessy at jessykate.com
Mon Jun 4 09:07:33 CEST 2012


i am setting up mailman 3.0 on ubuntu 12.04. but getting errors when i try
to work with mailman through the python interpreter. i hope this is the
correct list to post to.

here are the steps i took:

- installed mailman 3.0.0.b1 in a fresh virtualenv
- install is happy, all tests pass (Total: 383 tests, 0 failures, 0 errors
in 3 minutes 27.980 seconds.)
- default mailman.cfg file, stored in top level mailman dir (eg, it's a
sibling to the bin/ directory)
- basic postfix config, as descibed here:
- start mailman with bin/mailman start (no errors to be seen)

then i go to follow the example on how to create new mailing lists:

but attempting to import mailman packages fails, so it seems the python
packages aren't installed? so i run `python setup.py install` in main
mailman directory. after that, the imports work, but i get an error at the
point of trying to call `command.process(FakeArgs)` as described on the
create page. the error is as follows:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
line 180, in process
    else system_preferences.preferred_language.code)
line 53, in preferred_language
    return getUtility(ILanguageManager)[config.mailman.default_language]
line 169, in getUtility
    raise ComponentLookupError(interface, name)
zope.interface.interfaces.ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass
mailman.interfaces.languages.ILanguageManager>, '')

FWIW, i have also installed the postorius interface and all seems to work
from this approach. i can even verify that the mailing list i created
through the postorius interface shows up when i issue `bin/mailman lists`.

any idea on how to fix this error? am i missing something? i tried a few
other of the instruction pages in the 3.0 docs and all generated errors of
some kind. so perhaps i'm just not importing/installing the packages

any help greatly appreciated. thanks,

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