[Mailman-Developers] Getting code in? (was: Storm based MemberAdaptor for Mailman)

Andrew Grover andy.grover at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 07:08:10 CEST 2009

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Barry Warsaw<barry at python.org> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm one of the GSOC mentors for Systers, all of whose students are
>> working on Mailman enhancements. Some of these (Like Malveeka's) would
>> be suitable for merging upstream, but the review and acceptance
>> process is not clear.
> Very cool to hear about your work!  Let's see if I can clarify things.
>  Eventually this ought to make it into the wiki.

Hi Barry, thanks for your lengthy response. I've tried to be helpful
by updating the wiki with the content from your email
(http://wiki.list.org/display/DEV/Home). You really clarified a lot
for us, and hopefully other potential contributors :)

So the next question for Mark and everyone is: do you want a
StormDB-backed MembershipAdaptor for Mailman 2.x?

There are some further questions the Systers org needs to settle
before proceeding, about the ownership status of GSOC-produced code,
as well as if copyright assignment to FSF is acceptable, but it is
moot if the feature is only interesting to us.

Thanks -- Regards -- Andy

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