[Mailman-Developers] Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: How To change queue process method

Maickel Pandie maickel.pandie at gmail.com
Wed Jun 11 02:01:44 CEST 2008

Ok, many thanks
I will try to edit switcboard.py first. If there any result I have, I
will post the result...
and if I get any problem I will ask for help again :)
Thanks for your guidance

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>
Date: 2008/6/10
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Developers] Fwd: Fwd: How To change queue process method
To: Maickel Pandie <maickel.pandie at gmail.com>, mailman-developers at python.org

Maickel Pandie wrote:

>My MTA is postfix
>Mark Sapiro wrote: "You could also just stop Mailman, deliver a lot of
>mail and then start
>Thanks I will try that

Also, in the Mailman distribution there is tests/fblast.py which
delivers lots of mail to Mailman.

>Question again:
>1. am I right that all of new email who comes to the server are queued
>in incoming queue by incomingrunner and the step is like this?
>"new email"----->Incoming queue----->Outgoing queue----> MTA queue
>                   ^                            ^                            ^
>          Incomingrunner        Outgoingrunner               ?

No. New mail is piped by the MTA to the mail/mailman wrapper which
invokes one of the scripts in the scripts directory to put the message
in the appropriate queue. Mail to the list posting address invokes the
scripts/post script which queues the mail in the 'in' queue.

IncomingRunner processes the 'in' queue and in the normal case will
queue a message to be archived in the 'archive' queue and a message to
be delivered in the 'out' queue. ArchRunner processes the 'archive'
queue and adds messages to the archive. OutgoingRunner processes the
'out' queue and delivers messages via SMTP to the MTA.

>2. in what queue to most posibility a long email queue will happen if
>I do what Mark Sapiro suggested?

Messages will be queued in the 'in' queue and will remain there until
you start IncomingRunner.

>3. can I maintain what email is thrown first between Incoming queue to
>Outgoing queue?

It is strictly FIFO.

>4. what runner should I edit if I want to make number 3 happen?

As mentioned before in this thread
you would not edit a qrunner. You would edit the Switchboard.files()
method in module Mailman/Queue/Switchboard.py to return the files in
the order you want.

>5. am I right that switchboard.py is always use when there are email
>moving from one queue to another queue to maintain FIFO in all of
>queue in mailman so if I want to change the FIFO I just have to edit

Yes. The Switchboard class does all queueing and dequeueing and it is
the files() method which returns a list of files in a queue in the
order that they will be processed.

Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan

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