[Mailman-Developers] 2.1.8 documentation mismatch

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Thu Jun 8 06:32:01 CEST 2006

At 2:35 PM -0400 2006-06-07, Barry Warsaw wrote:

>  Totally agree.  OTOH, don't most MTAs provide /some/ way to call
>  external programs on messages at various points in their workflow?

	Sendmail has milter, and that has now been brought into postfix 
(as of 2.3), but I can't speak for any other MTAs.  What would need 
to happen would be a custom program would have to be written for each 
MTA to interact with it in the way that MTA works, but which has a 
deep understanding of Mailman and the configuration for each list and 
recipient, and could effectively do a "dry run" for each message.

	Of course, this would have to happen after the 
anti-spam/anti-virus milters, and then some sites are going to use 
accept & scan techniques as opposed to milter, so there may need to 
be multiple different "MTA adapters", even for a particular MTA.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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