[Mailman-Developers] Timing, events, runners, oh my

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Mon Aug 21 05:25:37 CEST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Since the SoC code is written against the trunk, I'll answer these  
questions for MM2.2.

On Aug 20, 2006, at 10:25 PM, emf wrote:

> a.) I would like to allow "email login", where a passwordless user
> receives an email confirmation link. Whom should I send this as?  
> Should
> I inject it into mailman's queue?

If you want to allow for a simple reply to confirm the action, you'll  
need to use the same code that uses Pending.py to generate a cookie  
and a database entry, then send the email from a request address with  
a cookied from address.  See something like MailList.InviteNewMember().

> b.) If the UI could be notified when changes occur on the command line
> or via email, I could do some more intelligent caching. What's the  
> best
> place to make that happen?

It depends on what you want to be notified of.  In general, a Handler  
module is a good place to have actions occur in response to emails.   
There isn't a central place to drop things to react to command line  

> c.) I'd like to have events and observers and whatnot; this is down  
> the
> road a bit, for 'improved' digest support among other things. Would it
> be inappropriate to have a UIEventsRunner ?

Think of the runners as a way to get some concurrency out of the  
system without biting the big bitter apple of threads.  Runners are  
focussed on actions involving emails though.  Without more detail, I  
can't say that a UIEventsRunner makes sense, but it's not out of the  

- -Barry

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)


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