[Mailman-Developers] Encoding problem: Mailman bails during "Administrative requests"

Robby Griffin rmg at terc.edu
Thu Dec 15 17:51:49 CET 2005

On Dec 15, 2005, at 03:39, Edward Elhauge wrote:

> I'd like to ask this list another question. Would there be any
> philosophical objection to a config flag in Python that would
> /dev/null the "Post by non-member to a members-only list"?
> I've done this in the past, for older versions, but not in a
> configurable form.  I'd be would be willing to submit a patch
> for this as a per-maillist configurable feature if it had
> a chance to be folded into a release.

Then I take it you haven't used a "newer" version yet? It sounds like 
you want to set DEFAULT_GENERIC_NONMEMBER_ACTION = 3 in mm_cfg.py, or 
twiddle the setting to "Discard" on some of your lists. The 
generic_nonmember_setting appears second from the bottom on the 
admin/<listname>/privacy/sender page.


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