[Mailman-Developers] Use of tabs when folding header lines

Brad Knowles brad at stop.mail-abuse.org
Fri Dec 2 10:42:35 CET 2005

At 3:20 PM -0800 2005-11-28, Nathan Herring wrote:

>  I am a member of a list which uses mailman 2.1.2, and I am experiencing
>  strangeness in Outlook as a result of the modifications mailman performs
>  on list posts.

	Note that the latest released version of Mailman is 2.1.6, and 
there have been a number of improvements made since 2.1.2.  It is 
possible that whatever problem you are experiencing has already been 
fixed, but you should check the latest code.

>  Specifically, when it (re)folds the Subject: and/or Thread-Topic: headers,
>  it replaces a space character in the original subject with a tab character.

	Also keep in mind that Mailman uses a lot of built-in Python 
routines for handling stuff, and some of those routines might include 
the handling and formatting of e-mail messages.  You want to make 
sure that you're using the latest version of Python that is 
compatible with the version of Mailman you've got.  Unfortunately, 
while the people working on Mailman tend to be pretty well aware of 
the various mail-related RFCs, the people writing the code and 
libraries within Python itself may not be.

	You should at least try to check the code to make sure where the 
fault lies.

	Other than that, I can't provide any specific assistance to you, 
but I would be very curious to know what the real problem is, and 
where the fault lies.

Brad Knowles, <brad at stop.mail-abuse.org>

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     -- Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), reply of the Pennsylvania
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