suggestion for Full Customization [Mailman-Developers]

Brad Knowles brad.knowles at
Tue May 11 05:32:23 EDT 2004

At 6:13 PM +0900 2004/05/11, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

>  FWIW, I agree with you and James.  For an announcement list it makes
>  sense to me that the editor's mailbox would be placed in the From
>  header, and the alias for mass-mailing not be exposed at all.  I think
>  that would look more "professional".

	On further discussion (in particular the message from Stig 
Sandbeck Mathisen), I now understand that there may be valid uses for 
this sort of stuff.

	However, I do not see a valid use for them outside of the 
CRM-type of system, and I definitely believe that they have no place 
in a mailing list management system.

	Nevertheless, just because I do not see any use for this sort of 
thing in a mailing list management system, and I am opposed to this 
sort of thing being incorporated into Mailman, does not mean that you 
(and others) won't be successful in convincing Barry to accept 
patches that accomplish these goals.

	That's a discussion you're going to have to have with Barry, and 
he's going to have to take all sides of the discussions under 
advisement when he makes his decision about what sort of thing he is 
willing to incorporate.

>                                                          It seems to me
>  that James has already thought it through, and (despite Brad's
>  paranoia), would use the facility "responsibly" by Brad's standards.

	Guns can be used responsibly, and they can be used irresponsibly. 
Where most people differ is what sorts of things they believe 
can/should be done to prevent irresponsible use while not hindering 
responsible use.

	In this case, I prefer to be safe rather than sorry, and not give 
the spammers another tool to help make their job any easier than it 
already is.

	Especially since the sorts of things that people seem to want 
appear to be more appropriate to a CRM system as opposed to a mailing 
list management system, and I'm sure that many good CRM solutions 
already exist which can solve these problems much better than Mailman 
could ever hope to do.

Brad Knowles, <brad.knowles at>

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

   SAGE member since 1995.  See <> for more info.

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