[Mailman-Developers] Where to start Implement this?

Martin Häcker mhaecker at mac.com
Sat May 8 09:23:28 EDT 2004

Hi there,

Could you please give me some advice about where to start implement this?

I want to create an option that allows my users to have the 
mailinglist set a reply-to header to itself in their e-mails. (Please 
no discussion about wether this is bad or not - I've read 
<http://www.unicom.com/pw/reply-to-harmful.html> and 
<http://www.metasystema.net/essays/reply-to.mhtml> and also had a 
look at the archive of the mailman-users list)

Though I want it - and I want it so badly I'm going to implement it myself.

As far as a quick investigation has shown I will need to add the 
preference in MemberAdoptor.py and some of it's subclasses (which?) 
and then change Decorator.py to write the Reply-To if the user 
whiches for it.

Would this be the right way to do it? And is there any other place I 
need to change to make this work?

Thanks a lot
cu Martin
[ot]coder - hehe

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