[Mailman-Developers] Maybe you guys can help me

Bob Puff at NLE bob at nleaudio.com
Tue May 4 13:38:19 EDT 2004

...Because it's not just one more.  I re-wrote the bounce handling for my own 
2.0.x boxes, and spent endless hours trying to keep up with all the 
difference bounce messages that weren't caught.  I ended up giving up.  If 
their ISP is broken enough that it generates bounce messages, then their 
unsubscription problem isn't mine.

What will happen is that your test for "soft" bounces is going to register 
some "hard" bounces incorrectly, and then its downhill from there.

I haven't looked at the latest handlers, but my code says something like: if 
the person hasn't bounced in two days (of messages each day), then reset 
their counter.  So if they constantly generate these messages, there is a 
very real problem with that ISP.


---------- Original Message -----------
From: Paul Tomblin <ptomblin at xcski.com>
To: mailman-developers at python.org
Sent: Tue, 4 May 2004 12:08:06 -0400
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Developers] Maybe you guys can help me

> Quoting Bob Puff at NLE (bob at nleaudio.com):
> > And how many "RFC-Standard" DSNs are out there, compared to non-
> > He's right, it is not the least bit trivial.
> The point is that Mailman already has code to parse dozens of different
> bounce messages.  I don't see why everybody is getting so hinky about
> adding one more.
> -- 
> Paul Tomblin <ptomblin at xcski.com> http://xcski.com/blogs/pt/
> "The surreality of the universe tends towards a maximum"  -- Skud's Law
> "Never formulate a law or axiom that you're not prepared to live with
> the consequences of."  -- Skud's Meta-Law
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