[Mailman-Developers] 200 000 subscribers

Fil fil at rezo.net
Tue Mar 16 11:47:10 EST 2004

Another part of the test is delivery. I subscribed 200 000 local users
(dummy+xxx at alan.rezo.net) and sent a small message. Within a few minutes the
mail queue was full, and postfix was delivering mails like crazy. This
lasted two hours before I killed the remaining messages (about half) in the
mail queue (using
http://www.stahl.bau.tu-bs.de/~hildeb/postfix/scripts/delete-from-mailq )

The only "problem" with this is that messages from smaller lists did not
have any kind of precedence, and were put back for all that time. I'm sure
that if it were feasible I'd prefer smaller lists to deliver faster than
bigger lists. But I know postfix does not allow this, and I also think it's
not Mailman's problem. So I'll have to live with it; just reporting here :)

-- Fil

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