[Mailman-Developers] more template shenanigans

Ron Brogden rb at islandnet.com
Thu Jul 31 17:36:22 EDT 2003

On July 31, 2003 04:03 pm, you wrote:
> mailmanctl restart after making the code change. The cache is in
> process memory and is freshly created on demand within each process
> each time the mailman daemons or scripts are started. You will also
> need to rebuild existing mail archives using bin/arch to get the
> revised templates to affect existing HTML archive pages.

Howdy.  Ok, I now understand a bit more as to what is going on.   I had 
forgotten that Mailman is now effectively resident and that these details 
would be sitting internally in the queue runner process.  When stuff lingered 
around I figured there was a disk cache involved somewhere buried in the 
code. My bad.

I think that the previous "fix" actually did work but I inadvertently came 
across a separate issue which obscured the real problem.  The mangled 
template was a separate issue altogether (removing all language files would 
have made this a moot point anyway).

Here goes. . .

I have edited archtoc.html (as well as the other templates) to give the 
archive a unified look.  After doing so, the archive templates no longer get 
parsed properly (i.e. none of the placeholders get replaced).  Looking at the 
source, the only immediate candidate is the "%" symbol in some of the table 
tags (i.e. "width=100%") but I am not clear yet on how the conversions are 
done.  I know that a dictionary is passed to maketext() which is used but 
what character exactly is screwing up the tag parsing I am unsure.

I have now restored the stock templates while I troubleshoot but does anyone 
have any tips for trouble shooting a template that no longer parses?

Thanks again for any help you can provide.



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