[Mailman-Developers] problem with 2.1b3+

Barry A. Warsaw barry@python.org
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 07:25:03 -0400

>>>>> "CVR" == Chuq Von Rospach <chuqui@plaidworks.com> writes:

    CVR> Ran into a problem with 2.1b3+

    CVR> I configured my new system as "new.plaidworks.com" and did
    CVR> all my work there.

    CVR> I've just put it into production and renamed it
    CVR> plaidworks.com. I've rebuilt everything. Unfortunately, I
    CVR> keep seeing mailman URLs showing up under the old
    CVR> "new.plaidworks.com" name.

    CVR> Digging, i did a dumpdb of a list database. In it is:

    CVR>      'web_page_url': 'http://new.plaidworks.com/mailman/',

    CVR> uh, oh. I don't seem to be able to fix this with either
    CVR> config_list or the admin web pages. so bad things are
    CVR> happening.

    CVR> Help?

web_page_url isn't configurable through the web in MM2.1 because too
many people messed up and made their lists unfunctional (screw it up
and you can't get to your list through the web anymore!).

You ought to be able to do it with config_list, so I'd be interested
in more information as to why that doesn't work.  But I'd prefer
fix_url.py instead for this task.

Once you've set up your mm_cfg.py with the new values, including
VIRTUAL_HOSTS, you can simply run

    % bin/withlist -l -r fix_url listname [options]

to switch listname's web_page_url and host_name attributes to their
new values.  Do

    % bin/fix_url.py

for docstring synopsis.
