[Mailman-Developers] Re: BounceRunner eating up alot of memory

Fil fil@rezo.net
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 10:44:34 +0100

Barry, you commited the CACHELISTS changes to cvs, with the following

"Modified Files:
        BounceRunner.py OutgoingRunner.py Runner.py
Log Message:
__init__(): Remove cachelists from the constructor arguments.  We can
more conveniently use a class attribute to specify this.  On the
BounceRunner, turn off MailList object caching so that it'll be more
friendly to long-term memory use."

However the BounceRunner still grows to about 80Mb on my system, after
processing bounces from several lists. Maybe this is related to the other
error (mentioned below), which prevents your latest corrections from working?

The error is :
    File "/home/mailman/Mailman/OldStyleMemberships.py", line 344, in setBounceInfo
    assert self.__mlist.Locked()

>From what I understand the list is not locked any more (thanks to recent
corrections), so entering a bounce info breaks the BounceRunner?

-- Fil