[Mailman-Developers] Does mailman-cvs remove reply-to?

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 13:46:33 -0500

>>>>> "MM" == Marc MERLIN <marc_news@vasoftware.com> writes:

    MM> Basically, I'm saying that if I post to a list without
    MM> reply-to munging, if I set (as a poster) a reply-to, it
    MM> doesn't make it to the list.  (I just checked on 2 other
    MM> machines where I have mailman-cvs installed)

I think it's a documentation bug in the description of
first_strip_reply_to.  The intent is to give the list owner a knob
they can use to always strip an existing Reply-To: header, regardless
of whether Mailman adds one back or not.
