[Mailman-Developers] Does mailman-cvs remove reply-to?

Marc MERLIN marc_news@vasoftware.com
Sun, 10 Mar 2002 22:01:36 -0800

On Mon, Mar 11, 2002 at 12:49:05AM -0500, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> >>>>> "MM" == Marc MERLIN <marc_news@vasoftware.com> writes:
>     MM> On my test list, which doesn't have reply-to munging enabled,
>     MM> if I send a test post with a reply-to header, it doesn't make
>     MM> it to the list (or to ToOutgoing for that matter)
>     MM> Before I look into this deeper, is this just me?
> Look for first_strip_reply_to under the General category. :)

I did, but:

            ('first_strip_reply_to', mm_cfg.Radio, (_('No'), _('Yes')), 0,
             _('''Before adding a list-specific <tt>Reply-To:</tt> header,
             should any existing <tt>Reply-To:</tt> field be stripped from
             the message?''')),

This implies (and I just checked  in Cookheaders) that stripping should only
occur  if I  have reply-to  munging  turned on,  which  in my  case, is  not
something very likely :-)

Basically, I'm saying that if I post  to a list without reply-to munging, if
I set (as a poster) a reply-to, it doesn't make it to the list.
(I just checked on 2 other machines where I have mailman-cvs installed)


PS: As a pointer,  if the message gets automatically rejected  and sent back
to the sender, the Reply-To is still there
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