[Mailman-Developers] bug demonstration 12345678911234567892123456789312345678941234567895123456789612345678971 234567898112345678911234567892123456789112345678911234567892123456789 more text

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Sun, 2 Jun 2002 17:48:55 -0400

>>>>> "RJ" == Ron Jarrell <jarrell@vt.edu> writes:

    RJ> What little time I've had to look at it has left me convinced
    RJ> it's email that's doing it...

I suspect this as well.  I'm way too busy to spend a lot of time on
this right now (I'm closing on a new house tomorrow), but it would be
great if someone could checkout the current cvs of the email (mimelib)
package and try it with the current cvs of MM2.1.  I've got no
substantive unchecked in stuff, so if it doesn't work with this
combination, then the bug's still lurking in there.
