[Mailman-Developers] Re: Cute TMDA use

Barry A. Warsaw barry@python.org
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 14:36:26 -0400

>>>>> "JRM" == Jason R Mastaler <jason@mastaler.com> writes:

    >> Please feel free to contribute a Howto, FAQ entry or any other
    >> written docs on your set up.  I'll add it to the distro where
    >> appropriate.

    JRM> Where do you think these docs should be maintained?  In the
    JRM> Mailman, or TMDA tree?

Hmm, good question.  Probably in both places, but with different
audiences in mind.

The Mailman docs should probably be geared towards "here's something
really cool that you can do with a TMDA add-on".  The TMDA docs
probably want to go into more detail about how to integrate the two
apps, including various ways you might want to configure TMDA to get
it to work optimally with Mailman.

But I'm open to other suggestions.