[Mailman-Developers] Importing email 0.96 problem

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Tue, 29 Jan 2002 18:10:22 -0500

>>>>> "CM" == Colin Mackinlay <mailman-list@mackinlay.demon.co.uk> writes:

    CM> [blushes]

    CM> email-0.96 straight in!

    CM> Now that just leaves me withthe main problem I've been trying
    CM> to fix - web based approval of list subscription. I asked this
    CM> question originally on Mailman-Users before I realised
    CM> Developers might be a more appropriate forum.

For 2.1 issues, definitely.

    CM> Of the four options available only one works properly!  Defer:
    CM> Fine because this is the default and nothing happens Approve:
    CM> No message sent and not added to members list. DB is said to
    CM> be updated but subscriber still appears in list of pending
    CM> requests.  Reject: Rejection message sent but subscriber
    CM> remains in list of pending requests Discard: Subscriber
    CM> remains in list of pending requests

    CM> There is no error reported and Ican't see anything in the logs
    CM> to help track down the problem. Is there another level of
    CM> logging I could turn on?

I can't reproduce any of this using Mailman-cvs, on one of the latest
post 0.9.6 Mozilla builds, Konquerer 2.2.1, NS 4.74, or IE 5.5 on W2K.
All 4 subscription options seem to work just fine.

    CM> The problem manifests itself with IE6 and on RISCOS with
    CM> Fresco and Oregano. I haven't tried netscape yet.

I don't have IE6 so someone else is going to have to verify this.

If you're using 2.1a4, then please update to CVS, although I can't
think of a change that might affect this.
