[Mailman-Developers] Importing email 0.96 problem

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Mon, 28 Jan 2002 18:21:50 -0500

>>>>> "CM" == Colin Mackinlay <mailman-list@mackinlay.demon.co.uk> writes:

    CM> Traceback .....
    CM>  File setup.py line 19 in ?  .  .  .  File
    CM> "/usr/lib/python2.1/distutils/sysconfig.py" line 302, in
    CM> _init_posix rais DistutilsPlatformError, my_msg

    CM>  distutils.errors.DistutilsPlatformError invaid Python
    CM> installation unable to open /usr/lib/python2.1/config/Makefile
    CM> (no such file or directory)

Possibly you need the python-devel rpms too?  I think I hit a similar
issue with StandaloneZODB, which I just released last Friday.  Double
check that and if that's not it, we can go from there.
