[Mailman-Developers] Stripping binaries attachments

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Fri, 19 Apr 2002 17:23:11 -0400

>>>>> "DM" == Dan Mick <dmick@utopia.west.sun.com> writes:

    DM> For the question of HTML stripping, I think Mailman 2.1 only
    DM> provides "archive stripping" by default.  I use, and am happy
    DM> with, demime.

Heh, I guess this was a stealth checkin.  MM2.1b2 will support
"content filtering", essentially what I think demime does as an
add-on.  Les Niles supplied the basic code, which I modified.  It
filters on specified MIME type, optionally converts text/html to
text/plain, etc.
