[Mailman-Developers] SF bug report #223533

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Sat, 6 Apr 2002 00:45:49 -0500

>>>>> "MM" == Marc MERLIN <marc_news@vasoftware.com> writes:

    MM> I'll get someone to increase the page length to 100 bugs.
    MM> No, don't thank me, I'm just glad I could help :-)))

Beauty.  Okay, I'm done! :)
    MM> Actually I've found this annoying too, to be honest.

    MM> I guess one way to remain really compliant would be to add,
    MM> yes, yet another header to admin messages, something like
    MM> X-Mailman-Administrativa: Yes

    MM> PS: Should I continue to bug you about my two patches, one
    MM> being the bugfix for SMTP_MAX_SESSIONS_PER_CONNECTION ?

Yes.  The sick irony is that it's all a zero sum game.  The more I
catch up on bugs the farther behind I fall on email.  The more email I
answer, the farther behind I fall on coding.

I can't wait for cloning to become legal.  I'd have my eat/shit clones
take care of body maintenance, while my sleep clones would take care
of the hallucinations, and my exercise clones would drop those last
ugly 20 lbs.  Then I could let my hack/rant clones take care of the
email and the coding while my army-of-burger-flipping-monkey-clones
bring in fistfuls of $$$s.  I'd be free to relieve any of my other
clones when, for kicks, I want to do their job, like my
rockstar/naked/hi-meg-ryan-i-hear-your-single clone or my yum-ribs!

Gawd, I need some sleep.  Shut up, Nancy.