[Mailman-Developers] Almost there (was Problem in 2.1b1's contrib/qmail-to-mailman.py)

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 17:02:48 -0500

>>>>> "BW" == Bill Wagner <bwagner@potpie.org> writes:

    BW> Makes sense.  Here's what's in logs/error (sorry for the
    BW> formatting):

Hmm, this means your messages aren't getting unix-from headers from
your MTA.  Can you send me a .db/.pck pair from your shunt directory?
And which MTA are you using again?

Message.get_unixfrom() returns None if there's no envelope, and
obviously None has no split() method.  The attached patch should do
the trick.  Apply it, re-install, "mailmanctl restart", and then
bin/unshunt.  Everything should go through now.


Index: Message.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/mailman/mailman/Mailman/Message.py,v
retrieving revision 2.16
diff -u -r2.16 Message.py
--- Message.py	12 Mar 2002 07:35:48 -0000	2.16
+++ Message.py	5 Apr 2002 22:01:41 -0000
@@ -126,7 +126,8 @@
         pairs = []
         for h in headers:
             if h is None:
-                fieldval = self.get_unixfrom()
+                # get_unixfrom() returns None if there's no envelope
+                fieldval = self.get_unixfrom() or ''
                 except IndexError: