[Mailman-Developers] no such file config.pck updating to 2.1b1

Georg Koch gorg@sun31.imbi.uni-freiburg.de
Thu, 04 Apr 2002 10:35:09 +0200


I am trying to update from 2.1a2 to 2.1b1 (on a SUN Sparc Solaris7
machine), unfortunately with some hundreds of users waiting.
When I updated python from 1.5.2 to 2.2.1c1, mailman 2.1a2 broke
immediately with "ImportError: No module named mimelib.Parser". The
installation of 2.1b1 abended in the Makefile of the bin subdirectory with
a syntax error on 
      for f in $(NONSCRIPTS); \
      do \
          $(INSTALL) -m $(FILEMODE) $$f $(SCRIPTSDIR); \
      done; \
because "NONSCRIPTS= ". After I commented these lines out the
installation continued but stopped in bin/update with the line

OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/h/mailman/lists/test/config.pck'

because the configuration is stored as config.db.

How do I convert the config.db to config.pck ?

Best wishes

---------------- output of bin/updated ---------------
Upgrading from version 0x20100a2 to 0x20100b1
getting rid of old source files
removing /h/mailman/Mailman/Cookie.py
removing /h/mailman/scripts/mailcmd
removing /h/mailman/scripts/mailowner
removing /h/mailman/mail/wrapper
removing directory /h/mailman/Mailman/pythonlib and everything underneath
removing /h/mailman/cgi-bin/archives
Updating mailing list: test
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "bin/update", line 542, in ?
    errors = main()
  File "bin/update", line 424, in main
    errors = errors + dolist(listname)
  File "bin/update", line 184, in dolist
    mlist = MailList.MailList(listname, lock=0)
  File "/h/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 102, in __init__
  File "/h/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 534, in Load
    dict, e = self.__load(file)
  File "/h/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 496, in __load
    mtime = os.path.getmtime(dbfile)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/posixpath.py", line 144, in getmtime
    st = os.stat(filename) 
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory:
-------------- output of http://ourhost/mailman/listinfo --------

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/h/mailman/scripts/driver", line 82, in run_main
  File "/h/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py", line 42, in main
  File "/h/mailman/Mailman/Cgi/listinfo.py", line 85, in listinfo_overview
    mlist = MailList.MailList(name, lock=0)
  File "/h/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 102, in __init__
  File "/h/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 534, in Load
    dict, e = self.__load(file)
  File "/h/mailman/Mailman/MailList.py", line 496, in __load
    mtime = os.path.getmtime(dbfile)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.2/posixpath.py", line 144, in getmtime
    st = os.stat(filename)
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/h/mailman/lists/accstaff/config.pck'

Georg Koch (koch@cochrane.de)            | Phone: +49 761 203 6710
German Cochrane Centre                   | Fax:   +49 761 203 6712
Mail: Institute of Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics
      Stefan-Meier-Strasse 26, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
"All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then 
success is sure." (Mark Twain)