[Mailman-Developers] Problem with mailman-2.1a1, syntax error in bin/update : print >>sys.stderr ...

Barry A. Warsaw barry@digicool.com
Fri, 30 Mar 2001 13:36:02 -0500

>>>>> "PT" == Patrick Timmons <ptimmons@courriel.polymtl.ca> writes:

    PT> Hi.

    PT> I made a hard link to python2.0 and named it
    PT> /usr/local/bin/python and it worked. Thanks.

    | I was under the impression that I could use option 
    | --with-python=/usr/local/bin/python2.0 with configure
    | where /usr/local/bin/python2.0 is the python interpreter.

    PT> Is this option used to point to the directory where python is
    PT> or to the executable in itself ?

To the executable itself, however it won't help you with the command
line scripts.  They pick up the first Python executable on your
$PATH (this should be fixed, but requires a lot of autoconf-related
changes so it's not high on my list).
