[Mailman-Developers] MAILMAN_SITE_LIST

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Sun, 23 Dec 2001 01:44:58 -0500

>>>>> "RP" == Rodolfo Pilas <rodolfo@linux.org.uy> writes:

    RP> Ok, I understand that this list is for development purposes,
    RP> but I posted this question at mailman-users and did not
    RP> receive any reply, perhaps because I use the latest
    RP> development version of MM.

Yes, all Mailman 2.1 discussion should be held here, on the
-developers list.

>>>>> "RB" == Richard Barrett <R.Barrett@ftel.co.uk> writes:

    RB> Adding a definition for DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST='mysite.net' to
    RB> your mm_cfg.py may be worthwhile.

Exactly right.  We really need to split the domain part for the email
(i.e. @mysite.net) from the domain part for the web page url.  That's
what DEFAULT_EMAIL_HOST and DEFAULT_URL_HOST are for, respectively.
Note that configure tries to guess some default values for these
variables, but it's a difficult and error prone process.

    RB> If you are creating your new lists through the web rather than
    RB> with bin/newlist I think you also need a call to
    RB> add_virtualhost (see comments in Defaults.py) or redefine
    RB> VIRTUAL_HOSTS = {} in mm_cfg.py

Right again!  add_virtualhost() creates the mapping between the email
hostname and the url hostname.  This is especially import for list
creation ttw because otherwise, there's no way to know that urls with
www.dom.ain should be associated with email @dom.ain.
