[Mailman-Developers] ZMailman 2.1 preview

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 09:36:07 -0500

>>>>> "SR" == Stephan Richter <srichter@cbu.edu> writes:

    >> application.  This may even become part of the standard library
    >> for Python 2.3.

    SR> Uhhh, that sounds exciting!!!! :-)

Indeed, especially now that it's caught Guido's interest. :)

    SR> Yes, I think that should be definitely priority #1.

    >> I likely wouldn't require ZODB unless it was provided by a
    >> standard, required version of Python.

    SR> Interesting. That would make your first approach above not
    SR> possible.

It all depends.  Right now our external requirements are minimal I
think, and the one forward compatibility issue is with the email
package, which we can provide as a distutils thing.  Some future
Mailman will require at least Python 2.2 (/not/ MM2.1) and at that
point we can stop distributing email as a separate package.

If we can do the same thing with a future standard ZODB (maybe called
PODB??? :), that's fine.  I can almost guarantee that Python 2.2 at
least will be required for that though since it requires new-style
classes, replacing the role of what in classic Python is filled by

That all that is waaayyy down the road.