[Mailman-Developers] Amending list web_page_url attribute on Python2.1a3

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Thu, 6 Dec 2001 23:32:17 -0500

>>>>> "RB" == Richard Barrett <R.Barrett@ftel.co.uk> writes:

    RB> MM 2.1a3 admin page lets me change the host to for the list
    RB> but I cannot see any way on the list admin pages to change the
    RB> addressing scheme for the list, e.g from http to https.

    RB> Have I missed something or am I reduce to using
    RB> $prefix/bin/withlist?

Yes, because too many list admins f*cked up their lists by typing an
incorrect or unreachable url prefix there.

The best way to solve this globally is to set
mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL_PATTERN and mm_cfg.DEFAULT_URL_HOST to whatever you
want (e.g. http -> https).  All newly created lists after this change
will simply inherit these new values.

To fix existing lists, use withlist and fix_url.py (this latter is in
cvs; I'm not sure if it made it to alpha3).

% bin/withlist -r fix_url -l mylist
