[Mailman-Developers] RE: [ZMailman] Goals and next steps?

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Tue, 4 Dec 2001 17:34:42 -0500

>>>>> "TT" == Trevor Toenjes <zope@toenjes.com> writes:

    TT> Barry, Thank you so much for getting involved with this
    TT> project.  yeehaw!!

No problem.  I've been psyched to do something like this even before
DC/ZC hired us. :)

> Do you mean you want the user-specific
> bounce statistics to be stored in Zope?  That will be doable when I
> integrate the bounce stats into the MemberAdaptor API (which I will do
> this week as part of the bounce processing overhaul).

    TT> Yes. That is what I meant.  I want be able to put rules on
    TT> bounces as they come back into Zope to delete, notify the
    TT> list's manager, or notify an account mamager responsible for
    TT> that email.  Bounce management could be a whole workflow and
    TT> list management module on its own.

Good idea.  I hadn't thought of handling bounce management as a
workflow, but that does make sense.  It's likely that there will be
some moderately flexible workflow for bounce handling in MM2.1, with
something more elaborate coming down the pike.
