[Mailman-Developers] Re: handle_opts.py

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Wed, 29 Aug 2001 17:24:39 -0400

>>>>> "d" == donal  <donal.hunt2@mail.dcu.ie> writes:

    d> I'm currently messing about with adding some LDAP functionality
    d> to mailman and need a kick in the right direction.

    d> I'm working with Mailman-2.0.2 (don't ask!!), and have modified
    d> handle_opts.py to not mail out a password if the user is stored
    d> in LDAP (this is if the user clicks the "email me my password"
    d> button on the subscription page).  I've tried to compile the
    d> code so that I get a handle_opts binary, but everytime i
    d> compile it the added functionality doesn't appear.

I'll just briefly mention that this should be much easier in MM2.1 :).

    d> I'm compiling by doing a make in the mailman-2.0.2 folder (ie
    d> the root of the source) and the binary ends up in
    d> mailman-2.0.2/src. i'm *not* doing a make install - don't want
    d> the installation overwritten just yet!

    d> Is there a quicker and easier way to recompile the handle_opts
    d> binary and any ideas why the functionality i'm adding isn't
    d> appearing after compilation...

You shouldn't need to recompile the binary, which is just a small C
wrapper that, through a little bit of -Dmacro magic gets compiled to
run Mailman/Cgi/handle_opts.py.  Thus you could just do a make install
in Mailman/Cgi, although the .pyc files won't get compiled until you
actually hit the page (could mess with permissions a bit).

Alternatively, and what I do, is have a completely separate second
installation for all my testing and development.
