[Mailman-Developers] mailman 2.1a2 -- mailmanctl -- memory usage

Barry A. Warsaw barry@zope.com
Fri, 17 Aug 2001 20:11:16 -0400

>>>>> "SB" == Scott Brown <scott-brown@home.com> writes:

    SB> The only thing that I've run across that causes me headaches
    SB> is the fact that (on the drop I've been playing with) new
    SB> lists are created with the system name, not the name of the
    SB> vhost which is requesting it.

Are you using bin/newlist or thru-the-web list creation?  bin/newlist
supports a syntax for listnames that specify the vhost to use, and
thru-the-web should decipher the vhost specified in the url (but that
may be buggy).

    SB> Perhaps #1 could be done easily by examining where new data is
    SB> created and a domain name is required, and using the vhost
    SB> domain from the requesting url, rather than the system name
    SB> (watch for proxy'd requests though :) Command line proggies
    SB> would then need to be able to specify a vhost on the command
    SB> line with a new switch.

    SB> A pro like you should be able to knock that off in a couple
    SB> days, no?

I think figuring out the right vhost to use is tractable, but there
are a few issues that, while not terribly difficult, will require a
lot of tedious code hackery and testing:

- List databases are all stored in the same "namespace"
  (i.e. directory) in $prefix/lists.  The vhost would have to be
  encoded in the path, either in a subdirectory, or by encoding it in
  the list's directory name (which is a lot of work because then
  MailList.internal_name() doesn't point to the directory).

- To do this The Right Way, you really want to allow the site admin to
  set up different defaults for each vhost.  You're probably talking
  about a separate mm_cfg.py-style file for each vhost, and
  architecting that and updating all the code isn't a trivial amount
  of work.

- DEFAULT_HOST_NAME vs. DEFAULT_URL.  Each vhost is identified by both
  variables (e.g. mail.python.org and list@python.org).  So you need
  to create a mapping of vhost to those two variables, and use the
  right one in the right context.

Looking ahead at the time available to finish up MM2.1, I just don't
see it as being feasible.
