[Mailman-Developers] Towards 2.1

Brian Edmonds brian@gweep.bc.ca
26 Nov 2000 06:20:05 -0800

barry@digicool.com (Barry A. Warsaw) writes:
>     - Plain text digests should conform to RFC 1153.

Yes please.  Gnus supports 1153 digests, but doesn't recognize Mailman
digests unless I switch to MIME format.

>     - Allow "urgent" postings to all members by the list admin which
>       bypasses normal digest delivery.

I would like to be able to do this as more than just list admin.  I've
got at least three different lists on my system that have an announce,
regular and digest options.  The announce has separate subscribers and
also goes immediately to all regular and digest subscribers.  Currently
those lists are still running under Majordomo, as I have no idea how to
make them do the same thing with Mailman.

And in the case of one of the lists it's not even an announce list, just
a "regular" address that anyone can post to for topically urgent items.

>     - Allow the user to be excluded from postings if they're getting
>       them in the to: or cc: headers.  Be smarter about filtering out
>       duplicate deliveries.

This would be an interesting option, but I don't think I'd turn it on
for most lists.

>     - Don't use the first public mailing list as the `originator' of
>       password reminders.

Very much yes please. :)

>     - Provide an email interface to all administrative commands


>     - For email subscribes, keep an audit of where requests are coming
>       from, and send the original request headers in the confirmation
>       message.  Helps track down subscribe bombs.

That sounds like a good idea.  I've always liked mlms that do this.

>     - Support the `which' command.

I had a user asking how to do this just yesterday. :)
